ø Buyers should check customs for bringing plants into the country with/without requiring a phytosanitary certificate or any restrictions on your customs. We won't take responsibility for any items if the plants were confiscated at your customs.
ø Bulb(s) are shipped at the buyer’s risk. We try to pack the best way but if damage occurs by rough transit it is beyond our responsibility. However, if certain plants rot or die in the box, please contact us within 3 days. Take photos of the box and plants when arrive. In case it arrived in bad condition. We will send you a replacement or a refund. But please note that the refundable will be deducted shipping cost.
ø Any dispute, request refund, cancel the order (charged 5%), or any wrong information, the buyer needs to inform our team within 1 business day after ordering to avoid the unnecessary cost incurred. If you have any questions, please share them with us and send us inbox. We will assist you as soon as possible.
(2.0) For Customers in only the United States, The USDA permits to import the plant products to the USA without your import permit papers, if they are lower than 13 plants with the phytosanitary certificate. For the plant products that are more than 12 plants, you have to send a copy of the papers import permit papers to us so we can get the phytosanitary certificate for you.
(2.1) For customers in only EU (European Union), We provide the phytosanitary certificate for you. To ship the plant with/withou the phytosanitary certificate to your country will be the buyer's risk. We are not responsible for custom confiscation.
(2.2) For Customers in only Australia, you have to send a copy of your import permit papers to us so we can get the phytosanitary certificate for you. It is very hard to import the plant to Australia. You should check with the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) on import requirements. And in case that you cant provide us import permit, we will send it without a Certificate.
(2.3) For Customers in only Canada, We have a new option which is convenient. Customers may choose Express + Import permit (Our agency will provide an import permit and Express shipping, it will take 5-7 Business days. Also can combine many plants in one shipment)
(2.4) For Customers in Brazil and Mexico, your customs may be strict to importing the plant to your country. You should contact your customs for the import permit before ordering. In case you cant provides us import permit, we will send it without a Certificate. And we are not responsible for custom confiscation.